America’s Wonders is a unique cinematic and musical celebration of our nation’s national parks and exciting cities. For the first-time, audiences will have the opportunity to see striking 3D images while an orchestra takes them on a journey through America.
During the first half of the program, concertgoers will witness the wonder of watching the sunrise over the Grand Canyon, gazing up at the canopies of the Redwood Forests, and flying over the Appalachian Mountains. The second half features a 3D video segment exploring our nation’s vibrant cities, as concert-goers walk through New York’s Times Square, experience the thrill and lights of Las Vegas, and even stroll across the Golden Gate Bridge.
With spectacular 3D throughout the cinematic journey—visiting 26 national parks—concertgoers will hear both popular and original compositions from our nation’s most talented composers. As they navigate through our nation’s greatest cities they will hear familiar sounds that align with the city in which they are exploring, including “I’ve seen the lights go out on Broadway”, “New York, New York”, “My Kind of Town”, “Conga”, “Viva Las Vegas”, “Crazy Town”, “I Left My Heart in San Francisco”, “Deep in the Heart of Texas”, “Carolina on my Mind”, “City of Stars”, “Seattle”, and “City of New Orleans”. Concertgoers will navigate through our nation’s most revered national parks accompanied by both popular and original music. Orchestral selections from “Grand Canyon Suite” to “Shenandoah” and on to original compositions perfectly aligned to the action in the film.